Career Outcome Data
Commitment to excellence in education and research

Scientific training outcomes
In line with the Graduate School's commitment to make a significant contribution to humanity through medical research, we are pleased to provide data on our scientific education and training outcomes of the Ph.D. and postdoc programs to help researchers in the biomedical field make informed career decisions. The metrics we share here include:
- Admissions and matriculation data of predoctoral researchers
- Median time-to-degree and completion data for Ph.D. programs
- Demographics of predoctoral researchers and postdoctoral scholars by gender, underrepresented minority status and citizenship status
- Median time in postdoctoral status at the institution
- Career outcomes for predoctoral and postdoctoral alumni, classified by job sector and career type using a common taxonomy Source: Coalition for Next Generation Life Sciences
For questions about data, please contact Dr. Rashmi Raj at