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Celebrating the 2024 Summer Scholars: From hands-on research to personal growth

Twenty talented undergraduate students spent the summer conducting research in Stowers Institute labs and Technology Centers.

02 August 2024

Twenty talented undergraduate students spent the summer conducting research in Stowers Institute labs and Technology Centers, gaining practical research experience, developing new skills, and strengthening their scientific knowledge.

The 2024 class of Stowers Summer Scholars engaged in cutting-edge research throughout the eight-week program funded by the Stowers Foundation and administered through the Graduate School of the Stowers Institute for Medical Research. Each Summer Scholar presented their projects at an all-Institute poster session on July 26, 2024.

As they return to their universities spanning the globe to complete their undergraduate degrees, several Summer Scholars shared key insights, experiences, and knowledge they acquired.

Filippo Riva from Rockhurst University in Kansas City interned in the lab of Assistant Investigator Neşet Özel, Ph.D. His project focused on optimizing neural networks and using machine learning to map the Drosophila brain optic lobe at different developmental stages. “Thanks to this program, I am better equipped to apply my computational knowledge to biological research,” said Riva.

“The most valuable experience was getting to see what it is like to be a full-time graduate student,” said Sydney Sharon, a Summer Scholar in the lab of Investigator Jennifer Gerton, Ph.D. Sharon, who recently returned to Michigan State University, revealed that this summer has solidified her desire to pursue a graduate degree.

Laura Sancho Salazar, a Summer Scholar in the lab of Associate Investigator Randal Halfmann, Ph.D., researched factors shown to prevent the aggregation of proteins associated with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases in cells. “I feel incredibly grateful for the experience to learn from such amazing scientists at the Institute,” said Salazar, who is continuing as a Research Technician in the Halfmann Lab and plans to pursue a Ph.D. in the future.

Congratulations to the 2024 class of Summer Scholars!

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