17 August 2023
Envisioning a Future
Welcoming the Newest Class of Predoctoral Researchers
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The Graduate School of the Stowers Institute for Medical Research
A variety of courses, conferences, and events during the summer provided Stowers predoctoral researchers opportunities to pursue intellectual growth for scientific and professional development.
Students from the Marine Biological Laboratory Embryology course this summer.
Summer of 2023 has been an exciting and eventful time for predoctoral researchers of the Stowers Graduate School. Twenty students from 11 labs at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research traveled all over the world to attend and present at prestigious courses and conferences, facilitating accelerated learning and enhancing vital skills like presentation and discussion to help shape their professional trajectories.
The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) hosts workshops throughout the summer on various biological disciplines. Tatiana Gaitan Escudero (Zeitlinger Lab) attended and presented at EMBO’s Predicting Evolution from July 11 – 14 at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany. Luciana Castellano (Bazzini Lab) traveled to Brno, Czech Republic, from June 20 – 23 for the Eukaryotic RNA Turnover and Viral Biology conference, and Stefanie Williams (Hawley Lab and Gibson Lab) attended the EMBO workshop Meiosis in Pamhagen, Austria, from June 18 – 23.
A. J. Treichel collecting at the Marine Biological Laboratory.
The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) holds many immersive courses geared for advanced students in biology. This summer, Anna Galligos (Gerton Lab) and Emma Moore (Trainor Lab) participated in the MBL Frontiers in Reproduction course from April 29 – June 11, Kaelan Brennan (Zeitlinger Lab) and A. J. Treichel (Bazzini Lab) took part in the MBL Embryology course from June 3 – July 17, and Augusto Ortega Granillo (Sánchez Alvarado Lab) was in the MBL Physiology course from June 7 – July 23. In addition, three Graduate School faculty members—Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, Ph.D, Tatjana Sauka-Spengler, Ph.D, and Tatjana Piotrowski, Ph.D.,—taught in the embryology course.
Gordon Research Conferences are prestigious meetings intended to promote research discussions across the physical and life sciences. On June 24 – 25, Ruohan Zhong (Gibson Lab) presented at Developmental Biology Gordon Research Conference Developmental Origin of Form and Function in South Hadley, Massachusetts, while Sarah Gilmour (Gerton Lab) traveled to Lucca, Italy, for the Chromosome Dynamics Gordon Research Conference Chromosome Biology from Cellular, Molecular and Physical Perspectives. Gilmour was a session leader for the Gordon Research Symposium, Genomes in Flux: Regulation of Genome Structure and Function Across Space and Time. Rahul Garg (Yu Lab) attended Gordon Research Conference and Seminar, Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior in Vaud, Switzerland, from May 20 – 26.
Fanning Xia presenting at the Society for Developmental Biology's annual meeting.
Several Stowers predoctoral researchers took part in the Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting from July 20 – 23 in Chicago, Illinois, including Gabriel da Silva Pescador (Bazzini Lab), Fanning Xia (Rohner Lab), Paloma Meneses Giles (Piotrowski Lab), Amruta Swaminathan (Rohner Lab), and Julia Peloggia (Piotrowski Lab). Pescador also attended MaxQuant Summer School in Boston, Massachusetts, from June 26 – 30.
Kaili Li (Si Lab) attended the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) course Drosophila Neurobiology: Genes Circuits and Behavior in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, from June 30 – July 20. Also from the Si Lab, Raktim Roy attended the CSHL conference Eukaryotic mRNA Procession from August 22 – 24.
Dung Vuu (Sánchez Alvarado Lab) attended the North American Planarian Meeting in Portland, Oregon, June 23 – 25. Here in Kansas City, Sharien Fitriasari (Trainor Lab) presented on August 3 during the Disease and Development session at the BioKansas Innovation Festival.
The Stowers Graduate School demonstrates its commitment to fostering excellence in research and education through encouragement, support, and generous funding for year-round learning experiences for all predoctoral researchers. This summer, these courses, conferences, and events provided Stowers predocs opportunities to pursue intellectual growth for scientific and professional development.
17 August 2023
Welcoming the Newest Class of Predoctoral Researchers
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11 May 2023
The ceremony celebrated the accomplishments and future endeavors of the graduates who are continuing their scientific discoveries at cutting edge industry positions and at academic institutions including Harvard University, the Mayo Clinic, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University, and The Rockefeller University.
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20 December 2022
A predoctoral researcher from the Graduate School received outside project funding
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