Policies and Protocols
About this library
The Graduate School of the Stowers Institute for Medical Research’s policy library contains the full text of official policies and protocols approved by the Board of Directors, the Faculty Governing Council, and/or other administrative means. The policies and protocols may be reviewed and updated at any time. Each policy and protocol contains the effective and revised dates in the header. Faculty, staff, and program participants are expected to comply with The Graduate School of the Stowers Institute for Medical Research’s policies as well as with Stowers Institute for Medical Research’s policies detailed internally on ServiceNow. For additional information or questions, please contact the Assistant Dean for Administration and Assessment at LRV@stowers.edu.
- 900 Academic Conduct
- 901 Attendance
- 902 Dress and Personal Protective Equipment
- 903 Consumption of Alcohol
- 904 Technology and Software
- 905 Medical Insurance
- 910 Grievance
- 911 Grading
- 912 Issue or Complaint Resolution
- 913 Sexual Harassment and Other Forms of Harassment
- 914 Admissions and Recruitment
- 915 Disabilities and Reasonable Accommodations
- 915 (F) Physicians Assessment Form
- 916 Academic Probation and Dismissal
- 916 (F) Academic Probation Dismissal Form
- 920 Laboratory Entry
- 921 Masters Degree
- 930 Education Records Privacy and Release
- 931 Transcript Issuance
- 932 Withdrawal
- 933 Transfer Credit
- 934 Credit Hours
- 935 Financial Responsibility and Refund
- 940 Faculty Bylaws
- 941 Faculty Governing Council
- 942 Equal Opportunity
- 943 Nondiscrimination
- 1001 Conference Allowance
- 1002 Personal Travel Allowance
- 1003 Moving Expenses
- 1004 Uber Usage
- 1005 Funding Support
- 1010 Admissions Process
- 1020 Laboratory Rotation Placements
- 1021 Fourth Rotation
- 1022 Rotation Presentations
- 1023 Thesis Laboratory Placement
- 1024 Faculty Members Departure
- 1025 Supervisory Committee
- 1026 Qualifying Assessment
- 1027 Ph D Thesis
- 1028 Thesis Publishing
- 1029 Masters Degree
- 1030 Course Development
- 1031 Course Syllabi
- 1032 Teaching Assistants for Graduate School Courses
- 1033 Assessment of Predoctoral Researcher Learning Outcomes
- 1034 Curriculum Review
- 1038 Faculty Committees
- 1040 Addressing Concerns Regarding Predoctoral Researchers
- 1041 Predoctoral Researcher Complaints
- 1042 Predoctoral Researcher Involvement
- 1043 Predoctoral Researcher Exit
- 1044 Graduation
- 1050 Policy and Protocol Review
- 1051 Marketing and Recruitment Materials
Other Institutional Policies
- 10GS Covid-19 Virus Testing
- 15GS Covid-19 Antibody Testing
- 20GS Covid-19 Related Personal Information
- 30GS Care for Individuals Testing Positive for Covid-19 Virus
- 40GS Covid-19 Contact Tracing
- 50GS Covid-19 Research Program
- 100GS Code of Conduct
- 103GS Drugs and Alcohol
- 104GS Coaching and Counseling
- 108GS Solicitation
- 109GS Visas
- 115GS Pay Practices
- 121GS Parental Leave
- 127GS Employee Assistance Program
- 129GS Use of Computer and Phones
- 130GS Children on Premises
- 131GS Outside Employment
- 131GS (F) Outside Employment Form
- 132GS Response to Anti-Science Incidents
- 133GS Workplace Violence and Weapons
- 134GS Equal Opportunity
- 135GS Personal Relations in the Workplace
- 136GS Whistleblower and Other Reporting of Misconduct
- 201GS Intellectual and Other Property, Confidential Information and Non-solicitation
- 202GS Financial Conflict of Interest
- 203GS Fraud
- 204GS Gift Acceptance
- 206GS Contracts
- 207GS Records Retention Management
- 300GS Purchasing Procedures
- 301GS Acceptable Vendor List
- 302GS Vendor Recognition and Award Submission
- 303GS Small Women Owned Business
- 304GS Competitive Bids and Quotation
- 400GS Media Relations
- 401GS Service Mark Usage
- 402GS Social Media
- 500GS Business Related Travel and Expenses
- 600GS Scientific Publication
- 601GS Honoraria
- 602GS Scientific Misconduct
- 603GS Open Source Software
- 604GS Institutional Animal Care
- 605GS Recording of Laboratory Data
- 606GS Material Transfer Agreement
- 607GS Protocols Involving Human Materials
- 608GS Additional Ethical
- 609GS Distribution of Mouse Strains
- 610GS Records Retention and Management of Scientific Data
- 701GS Grants
- 800GS Use of Health Club
- 801GS Facility Use
- 802GS Tobacco
- 803GS Use of the Family Lounge
- 804GS Vehicle Parking
- 805GS Emergency Action Plan