Recombination between heterologous human acrocentric chromosomes
Guarracino A, Buonaiuto S, de Lima LG, Potapova T, Rhie A, Koren S, Rubinstein B, Fischer C, Human Pangenome Reference C, Gerton JL, Phillippy AM, Colonna V, Garrison E. Nature. 2023;617:335-343.
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Learn moreAssemblies produced by the HPRC are available at AnVIL (, in the AnVIL_HPRC workspace. Data are also available as part of the AWS Open Data Program ( in the human-pangenomics S3 bucket ( In addition, the data have been uploaded to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) for long-term storage and availability. Supporting information about the data (including index files with S3 and GCP file locations) can be found at the following GitHub repository: All supplementary files, including the PVG and its layout, are available on Zenodo at