
16 August 2023
Road to Research: A Q&A with Head of Custom Protein Resources, Bret Redwine
"I couldn’t ask for a better fit for my personality."
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Bret Redwine earned a B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2001. After volunteering for two years with the Peace Corps, he spent another two years as a research technician in the lab of former Stowers Investigators Joan and Ron Conaway. He received a Ph.D. in biological and biomedical sciences in 2012 from Harvard Medical School. Mentored jointly by graduate advisors Samara Reck-Peterson, Ph.D., and Andres Leschziner, Ph.D., Redwine utilized cryo-EM and single-molecule approaches to understand the structural basis for dynein motility. Following a postdoctoral fellowship under Reck-Peterson, he developed a close collaboration with the Stowers Proteomics team, now called Systems Mass Spectrometry. In 2018, he returned to the Institute as a research scientist in Cytometry and in 2021 was appointed head of newly created Technology Center, Custom Protein Resources.
16 August 2023
"I couldn’t ask for a better fit for my personality."
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