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Sugar assimilation underlying dietary evolution of Neotropical bats

Camacho J, Bernal-Rivera A, Pena V, Morales-Sosa P, Robb SMC, Russell J, Yi K, Wang Y, Tsuchiya D, Murillo-Garcia OE, Rohner N. [published ahead of print August 28 2024]. Nat Ecol Evol. 2024.

Isthmus progenitor cells contribute to homeostatic cellular turnover and support regeneration following intestinal injury

Malagola E, Vasciaveo A, Ochiai Y, Kim W, Zheng B, Zanella L, Wang ALE, Middelhoff M, Nienhuser H, Deng L, Wu F, Waterbury QT, Belin B, LaBella J, Zamechek LB, Wong MH, Li L, Guha C, Cheng CW, Yan KS, Califano A, Wang TC. Cell. 2024;187:3056-3071 e3017.

The deubiquitinase Usp7 in Drosophila melanogaster is required for synaptonemal complex maintenance

Lake CM, Gardner J, Briggs S, Yu Z, McKown G, Hawley RS. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024;121:e2409346121.

Plasticity of the mitotic spindle in response to karyotype variation

Kunchala P, Varberg JM, O'Toole E, Gardner J, Smith SE, McClain M, Jaspersen SL, Hawley RS, Gerton JL. Curr Biol   2024.

An Integrated Structural Model of the DNA Damage Responsive H3K4me3 Binding WDR76:SPIN1 Complex with the Nucleosome

Liu X, Zhang Y, Wen Z, Hao Y, Banks CAS, Cesare J, Bhattacharya S, Arvindekar S, Lange JJ, Xie Y, Garcia BA, Slaughter BD, Unruh JR, Viswanath S, Florens L, Workman JL, Washburn MP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024;121:e2318601121.

Quartz Crystal Microbalance Frequency Response to Discrete Adsorbates in Liquids

Leshansky AM, Rubinstein BY, Fouxon I, Johannsmann D, Sadowska M, Adamczyk Z.  Anal Chem. 2024;96:10559-10568.

Modeling the Evolution of S. pombe Populations with Multiple Killer Meiotic Drivers

Lopez Hernandez JF, Rubinstein BY, Unckless RL, Zanders SE. G3 (Bethesda). 2024:jkae142 doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkae142.

Identification and characterization of intermediate states in mammalian neural crest cell epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination

Zhao R, Moore EL, Gogol MM, Unruh JR, Yu Z, Scott AR, Wang Y, Rajendran NK, Trainor PA. eLife. 2024;13 doi: 10.7554/eLife.92844.

Identification of protein aggregates in the aging vertebrate brainwith prion-like and phase-separation properties

Harel I, Chen YR, Ziv I, Singh PP, Heinzer D, Navarro Negredo P, Goshtchevsky U, Wang W, Astre G, Moses E, McKay A, Machado BE, Hebestreit K, Yin S, Sánchez Alvarado A, Jarosz DF, Brunet A. Cell Rep. 2024:112787 doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112787.

Post-meiotic mechanism of facultative parthenogenesis in gonochoristic whiptail lizard species

Ho DV, Tormey D, Odell A, Newton AA, Schnittker RR, Baumann DP, Neaves WB, Schroeder MR, Sigauke RF, Barley AJ, Baumann P. eLife. 2024;13 doi: 10.7554/eLife.97035.

Astyanax mexicanus surface and cavefish chromosome-scale assemblies for trait variation discovery

Warren WC, Rice ES, X M, Roback E, Keene A, Martin F, Ogeh D, Haggerty L, Carroll RA, McGaugh S, Rohner N. G3 (Bethesda). 2024:jka3103 doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkae103.

A PAK family kinase and the Hippo/Yorkie pathway modulate WNT signaling to functionally integrate body axes during regeneration

Doddihal V, Mann FG, Jr., Ross EJ, McKinney MC, Guerrero-Hernandez C, Brewster CE, McKinney SA, Sanchez Alvarado A. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024;121:e2321919121.

Zika virus non-coding RNAs antagonize antiviral responses by PKR-mediated translational arrest

Pallares HM, Ledesma MMGL, Rouco SO, Castellano LA, Costa Navarro GS, Fernandez-Alvarez AJ, D'Andreiz MJ, Aidas DV, Alvarez DE, Bazzini A, Gamarnik AV. ZIKV 2024.

Niche Tet maintains germline stem cells independently of dioxygenase activity

Tu R, Ping Z, Liu J, Tsoi ML, Song X, Liu W, Xie T. EMBO J. 2024;43:1570-1590.

Distinct epicardial gene regulatory programs drive development and regeneration of the zebrafish heart

Weinberger M, Simoes FC, Gungoosingh T, Sauka-Spengler T, Riley PR. Dev Cell. 2024;59:351-367 e356.

Host evolution shapes cavefish gut microbiome

Riddle MR, Nguyen NK, Nave M, Peuss R, Maldonado E, Rohner N, Tabin CJ. Ecol Evol. 2024;14:e11192.

Graded FGF activity patterns distinct cell types within the apical sensory organ of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis

Sabin KZ, Chen S, Hill EM, Weaver KJ, Yonke J, Kirkman M, Redwine WB, Klompen AML, Zhao X, Guo F, McKinney MC, Dewey JL, Gibson MC. Dev Biol. 2024;510:50-65.

The Complete Sequence and Comparative Analysis of Ape Sex Chromosomes

Makova KD, Pickett BD, Harris RS, Hartley GA, Cechova M, Pal K, Nurk S, Yoo D, Li Q, Hebbar P, McGrath BC, Antonacci F, Aubel M, Biddanda A, Borchers M, Bornberg-Bauer E, Bouffard GG, Brooks SY, Carbone L, Carrel L, Carroll A, Chang PC, Chin CS, Cook DE, Craig SJC, de Gennaro L, Diekhans M, Dutra A, Garcia GH, Grady PGS, Green RE, Haddad D, Hallast P, Harvey WT, Hickey G, Hillis DA, Hoyt SJ, Jeong H, Kamali K, Pond SLK, LaPolice TM, Lee C, Lewis AP, Loh YE, Masterson P, McGarvey KM, McCoy RC, Medvedev P, Miga KH, Munson KM, Pak E, Paten B, Pinto BJ, Potapova T, Rhie A, Rocha JL, Ryabov F, Ryder OA, Sacco S, Shafin K, Shepelev VA, Slon V, Solar SJ, Storer JM, Sudmant PH, Sweetalana, Sweeten A, Tassia MG, Thibaud-Nissen F, Ventura M, Wilson MA, Young AC, Zeng H, Zhang X, Szpiech ZA, Huber CD, Gerton JL, Yi SV, Schatz MC, Alexandrov IA, Koren S, O'Neill RJ, Eichler EE, Phillippy AM.  Nature 2024;630:401-411.

Regulators of rDNA morphology in fission yeast​

Cockrell AJ, Lange JJ, Wood C, Mattingly M, McCroskey SM, Bradford WD, Conkright-Fincham J, Weems L, Guo MS, Gerton JL. PLoS Genet. 2024;20:e1011331.

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The Stacking Cell Puzzle

Mir M, Nowotarski S. Patterns. 2024;5:101040.

Sankari S. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2024;37:543-544.

Navigating the post-pandemic terrain: lessons in resilience and adaptation

Zhao C, Chiriboga LA, Chlipala EA. J Histotechnol. 2024:1-2.

The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex: a critical regulator of metabolism

Church MC, Workman JL. [published ahead of print April 26 2024]. Biochem Soc Trans. 2024.

A working model for the formation of Robertsonian chromosomes

Gerton JL. J Cell Sci. 2024;137:jcsw261912.

Pluripotency of a founding field: rebranding developmental biology

Rodgers CD, Memiya C, Arur S, Babonis L, Barres M, Bartlett M, Behringer RR, Benham-Pyle BW, Bergmann D, Blackman B, Brown CT, Browne B, Camacho J, Chabu CY, Chow I, Cleaver O, Cool J, Dennis MY, Dickenson AJ, Di Talia S, Frank M, Gillmor S, Haag ES, Hariharan IK, Harland R, Husbands A, Jerome-Majewska L, Koenig K, Labonne C, Layden MJ, Lowe C, Mani M, Martick M, McKown K, Moens C, Mosimann C, Onyenedum J, Reed R, Rivera A, rokhsar DS, Royer L, Rutaganiera F, Shahan R, Sinha N, Swalla BJ, Van Norman JM, Wagner DE, Wikramanayaka A, Zebell S, Brady SM. Development. 2024;151:dev202342 doi: 10.1242/dev.202342.

Rpd3S meets the nucleosome

Carrozza MJ, Workman JL. Cell Res. 2024;34:1-2.

Dynamic Changes in Ocular Shape During Human Development and its Implications for Retina Fovea Formation

Rasys AM, Wegerski A, Trainor PA, Hufnagel RB, Menke DB, Lauderdale JD. BioEssays. 2024;46:e2300054.

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